There are three trailheads with Marmot Pass destinations. The traditional one on upper Big Quilcene, Tubal Cain, and upper Dungeness. On Monday 9-27-21 the Goats used all three. A group of five went up the Tubal Cain trail to Marmot Pass and then down past Boulder shelter to the upper Dungeness. They left one car at the upper Dungeness trailhead and then took everyone to the Tubal Cain trailhead. This required only a short shuttle at the end of the hike. Two of us and the dog Luna did the traditional hike. We were all able to meet at the Pass. I did the traditional hike and have prepared notes that explain all this. These notes are attached. Kathleen D. was part of the other group and is preparing notes for them. She is getting a new computer shortly and her notes will come a little later.