First of all, I just like this word
A hodge-podge somehow just sounds like a fun time to me. According to Wikipedia, the English word comes from the Dutch Hutspot, a hearty casserole of potatoes & veggies (that my dad actually used to make). That little tidbit alone makes it interesting! We have a lot going on in our short days, but nothing that inspires a unifying theme for this note, so here you go….
Paul, Priscilla & Vinnie headed up the Little Quilcene for a hike over Notch Pass this week. They report that the potholes may swallow your car, but if you can dodge them the hike was nice.
Last week’s musing on forests must have struck a chord. We have lots of great reading recommendations as a result. Hilary suggests The Hidden Half of Nature by Anne Bilke and David Montgomery. Loa offers The Overstory by Richard Powers. Al responded with an article about “forest bathing,” which is exactly what we do! Frank suggested a different spin with the series Alone on the History Channel (or Hulu). The first two seasons are set on Vancouver Island. Patti and I have watched them and are hooked.
On a separate note, out of boredom I decided to try my hand at baking yeast breads. My first effort was an old recipe called Anadama Bread (google it for a chuckle). It sounded great but tasted HORRIBLE! After recovering, I gave baking a second shot with a rye bread that called for potato flakes and pickle juice as surprise participants, cooked in a dutch oven. Yum! Yes, I am an adventurer in the kitchen. I also made grapefruit marmalade this week. Costco has Texas Ruby Red fruit in stock. If you like marmalade, hit me up for the recipe.
Finally, Jim shares a bit of good news with the group this week. A New Year’s morning hike up Green Mountain has been a tradition for years and many in this group forsake evening festivities so they are ready to hit the trail and have pancakes at the top. Well, there will be no pancakes this year but the show goes on: with donuts and hot coffee! If you feel safe and brave, have fun. Here is a link with more info on the event.