Some of these just write themselves
I had a plan for a topic today, but life had other ideas. We'll get back to the original idea next week.
This past Monday, a small group of us took advantage of the break in winter weather to head up to Hurricane Ridge for a snowshoe adventure. It was a great idea! We were greeted in the parking lot by sparkling sunshine and 4 feet of base. We even had a good half foot of fresh powder on our way up to Hurricane Hill.
Well, most of the way up to Hurricane Hill... I started feeling very tired before the final push and decided to call that good enough for the day. I am grateful for making that decision.
Priscilla insisted that I take her radio to keep in contact with the group. Again, I am grateful.
We all met up after lunch and worked our way down together, supporting each other although I was slow. Dave kept careful watch over me, for which I am grateful.
Eventually Paul and Vinnie split my pack. Nurses Sandy and Kristi monitored the situation, enforced breaks and kept my spirits up. Their kindness was incredible.
I am especially grateful to Jim Thrash who suggested I take a WFR class.
And mostly I am grateful for my dear wife Patti and her mom Dot, both of whom I love dearly and who put up with my shenanigans.
So as you can tell by now it was an eventful day. I am writing this note from Virginia Mason in Seattle this morning after getting four new stents last night. Thank you all for being such a great community. Take a moment to hug the people in your lives and be grateful. Happy New Year!
