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I Was Busy Hiking!

Writer's picture: Mark FrankMark Frank

Sorry I’m Late

Kitsap County moved to Phase 2, the National Forest opened to distributed camping, the National Park opened for day use and (maybe most importantly) Sandy has the week off. So three of us decided to head out on a lark up to Marmot Pass. Not from the Upper Big Quilcene trailhead, nor Tubal Cain or Upper Dungeness. But from the LOWER Quilcene Trailhead! That's right we hiked up then down all the Quil over three days.

We debated car travel at length and finally decided to carpool, but wearing masks when we couldn't maintain social distance. As part of our decision process we asked a lot of questions.

  • How strict were we?

  • Who had we seen?

  • How do we feel?

  • How often do we shop?

And we were open and honest in our answers. While hiking, we did our best to keep social distance. Our group was only three people. Was it risk free? No, but then nothing in life is risk free. We acknowledged the risks and made our personal choices. That may be the best we can do as we learn to live with COVID.

How was the hiking you ask? SPECTACULAR!!!! The Lower Quil is as beautiful as ever. And mucky. The rhodies are blooming. The hike to Marmot is still a bear, but we didn't see any (bears). There is still snow on top. We were glad to have microspikes. And we saw marmots!

Other notes: We saw Bob, Jim#1, Jim#2, Paul, Priscilla, Mark (not me), Vinnie, Mary and Jimmy the amazing "teacup" Bouvier de Flandres along our 3 day trek.

It is still hard to start a fire in the rain forest.

Here are a few pics from the adventure:


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