Another (lovely) poem, from a friend
It has been another tough week. Regardless of where any of us land on the political spectrum, I hope we can all unite in honoring the life and achievement of a LIONESS, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She changed the world, made it a better place.
My dear friend hiker, teacher and poet Adam Rabinowitz found these words to describe how the Notorious RBG's passing felt to him. I have fun, playful things to write about, but today another poem.
And I say to the frightened child
who inside hides
behind closet doors
listening to angry voices
china breaking
that swords are forged
in hammered heat
and held by heroes
And I say to the man
who remembers
his father's hand
better than his face
never an embrace
that a diamond
is carbon crushed
and sought by kings
And I say to the woman
who sits on the floor
next to that child
and wraps her radiance
shimmering around
his bruised being
that love is an angel
who sings lullabies
to all the babies
hungry and alone
that cannot sleep
And I say to the man
who walks the road
beside his lost brother
and sings with him
by the fire a prophecy
of healing and hope
that time is a quilt
made of squares
of faded fabrics
patchwork patterns
of forgotten purpose
stitched by the broken yellow lines
of the longest traveled road
into the warmest quilt
as a gift to the weary
who lie under stars
seeking the warmth
of different memories
than those that visit in dream
But my words
are drifters
quietly repeating
the refrains of footsteps
leaving behind more
than will ever be reached
but they are my words
hero's swords
angel's wings
quilts and diamonds
and I will speak them
to you
for courage and hope
I do not possess
but which passes through me
from all of you
whose strength I know
is now needed
can you hear them?
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