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Monday's Hike, January 10

Writer's picture: Mark FrankMark Frank

Watch out for Winter Weather! Good morning everyone, We’ve now had two consecutive weeks of “interesting” hikes. Between Christmas & New Years all scheduled hikes were postponed, although a number of folks were able to get out and about around their homes with Yaktraks. We all thought this past Monday would be more like a normal venture: but that’s what we get for thinking! The usual Bainbridge crew (plus one newbie: Jane) launched from the Bethany Church parking lot at 7am in what I can only describe as a DRIVING RAIN! We swung through the Poulsbo P&R at 7:26 noting that nobody was as foolish as us - empty of both Hikers & Goats. So we headed towards our next stop: the Bremerton Airport. During our drive down, a windshield wiper FLEW OFF THE VEHICLE! Thank goodness Paul is an excellent driver. We navigated to the Silverdale O’Reilly Auto Parts and got a replacement. Texting with the likely South End suspects let us know that most were snowed in and those at the Airport were as uninterested in driving to snowy Hoodsport as we were. So we changed our destination to Gold Creek on Green Mountain. Just so you know: it was covered with thigh deep powder at the top. Delightful, but still a challenging drive & hike. Even with snow tires. Meanwhile, another inaugural member was hoping to join the Walkers for the first time. She found nobody at the meeting spot, so drove her car most of the way to the trailhead. Until she got stuck. Then rescued by a good samaritan with a big truck. Moral to these stories: La Nina is here in full force. Be careful out there and only go where you feel safe & confident. This isn’t likely to melt out for a while. On the other hand: grace and beauty are where you find it! Check out the rainbow we found around Seabeck coming back from our snowshoe adventure. Here is what is planned for the coming Monday: Walkers: The Walkers will walk McCormick Woods in Port Orchard. They will carpool at the Kitsap Mall (Silverdale Way side near Wild Wings BBq), departing at 9:30am. Those in the south end can meet the carpool group at the McCormick Woods Golf Club parking lot (5155 McCormick Woods Dr. SW, Port Orchard, WA 98367) at 10am. They will then drive to the trailhead together near Deer Park a short distance away. Hikers: The hikers will hike Anderson Lake & Tamanowas Rock. The hike will be led by long time Monday Hiker, Wyn Abbott, who knows this area well. Hikers will depart Poulsbo P&R at 8 am. Wyn will meet you at the parking area for the trailhead. A Discover Pass is required. Directions to trailhead: From the Hood Canal Bridge, follow WA 104 to Discovery Bay, turn right on to SR 20. In 3.7 miles turn right onto Anderson Lake Road. The park entrance is 1.0 miles on the left. Mountain Goats: The Goats hope to snowshoe Elbo Creek. Microspikes may be best for the first few miles, switching to snowshoes at the road. If that isn’t possible, they will settle for Mount Walker. They will depart from the Poulsbo Viking Park & Ride at 8am. Walkers: McCormick Woods: Hikers: Anderson Lake: Mountain Goats: Elbo Creek: Mark


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