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Speaking of Luck, by David Frank

Writer's picture: Mark FrankMark Frank

Here’s What I Know

“The two most important requirements for major success are: first, being in the right place at the right time, and second, doing something about it. Harry Frank, my Brother

It might seem like a radical notion, but the reality is, successful people are often uncommonly lucky. They invite more success into their lives by making a conscious decision to be luckier.

So, here's what it looks like from The Cheap Seats:

Commit to being a VLP — Very Lucky Person. You can change your luck for the better just by making a conscious decision to being luckier in the future. It's up to you to take the first step and change your luck.

Release your personal barriers. To become luckier, you've got to break the barriers of the past. Have the mindset, "That was then, this is now". Dissolve your personal barriers and give yourself permission to be lucky.

Become a magnet for abundance. As counter-intuitive as it may sound, the best way to pull more good luck into your life is to transform any shame you have felt in the past into an attractor of good luck. Put the power of your own shame machinery to work for you as a luck magnet.

Have luck-worthy goals. Luck has a way of chasing worthy goals. If you want to attract more luck into your life or career, go after some big and audacious goals.

Take consistent bold action. One of the best ways to get luckier is to be taking daily action on your goals. The more you do, the more opportunities you create for luck to visit you. Get busy and stay busy to spark a lucky streak.

Find your lucky tribe. To change your luck, stop hanging around with unlucky people. Spend more time working alongside lucky people. This will significantly boost your ability to be lucky in the future.

Learn the right place & time. A big part of luck is to be at the right place at the right time, but that's not random. You have control over this. Do all you can to tune in to your own internal GPS, to listen to your intuition, and to stay true to your values, your passions, and your priorities.

Practice radical gratitude. The more grateful you are, the greater your luck will become. If you want to improve your luck, find something to appreciate and be grateful for in every situation.

How do we say it, no risks, no rewards. It's why an associate and I flew a Cessna 150 to Ruston, Louisiana one weekend to see Lamar play Louisiana Tech in football. And that's right: neither of us had a pilot's license. You just can't beat Good Luck. But that's another story for another time.

Uncle David


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