Darn it. No group hikes for a while
None of us were surprised by Governor Inslee's Stay at Home order yesterday evening (effective tomorrow for business but asking for all our personal compliance immediately). We don't have to like what it means for our personal lives and immediate group hiking future, but we all know it is the right thing to do. We can do our part, however small it seems, to get our community and families through this epidemic as safely as possible.
Accordingly, we will stop scheduling group hikes until the Stay at Home order is lifted. Optimistically, this will happen by mid-April and we can all get out as a group to celebrate Spring and see the rhododendrons bloom. Even writing this note is hard: we are a community. We will miss time on the trails, but equally time chatting in cars, sharing life stories over a trail lunch and coffee (or affogato) after another lovely hike.
If anyone needs assistance, a grocery run, an encouraging chat or anything at all please send up a flare. I am certain someone in this wonderful group of folks will rise to the occasion and lend a hand.
Please take care of yourselves and your families. We will get through this.