What's Goin' On
(For all you fans of the magnificent Marvin Gaye)
WOW! Much to my surprise, interest in the weekly hike notices has INCREASED about 10% since we have no longer been able to hike. So we all must need to touch base while sheltering-in-place.
Easter and Passover are behind us. The weather this past week has been glorious! Fruit trees and flowers are in full bloom. And Gov. Inslee seems to be working out how to stage building a new normal. Let's hope he starts off with opening trailheads.
Karen Johnson & I recently realized that we both have RoadID tags as part of our regular gear. They are pretty cool: a stamped metal tag with your personal information in case you are somehow injured or incapacitated while on a hike, ride or run. Check it out. (Neither of us get a royalty.)
What will your "new normal" look like? Have you thought about it?
My Hopes for a "New Normal"
Keep some of the slower pace that we've built into our lives
I've was always a big reader, but lost it a few years ago. Bring that back.
Game night! We play Rack-O, UNO, Mexican Train most evenings. And have fun!
Spend less time tuned in to the national news and more to here & now.
Be explicit in telling people they matter and caring for neighbors.
Hike like we might not be able to for the next two months.